Welcome Transfer Students!

Michigan Engineering Transfer Support (METS) – We’re here to ease your transition to the College and the campus. We support you through one-on-one mentoring with your Transfer Student Leader (TSL), and through METS events and workshops held throughout the academic year. Some events are social and just for fun, and others will provide key info and resources. Connect with METS to get off to a strong start and make the most of your time at Michigan.
Academic Advising – You’ve been admitted directly to your department and major. Your department advising office is your academic home. Meet with your department advisor at least once each term for all academic questions and concerns, like course planning and degree requirements.
We’ve got some great resources just for you: METS Resources
Questions about your transfer experience? [email protected]
Questions about future transfer admission? Please contact our Office of Undergraduate Recruitment at [email protected].