Sample Schedules

Below you can find the College of Engineering Sample Schedules (for entire department information please visit Department & Programs Overview page). The guides provide a general overview of the curriculum and are not a replacement for meeting with your assigned professional and faculty academic advisors. To edit the Google versions of the Sample Schedules, make a copy of the sheets to your own Google Drive.

Photo of a Microscope encouraging students to explore the various Michigan Engineering majors
Major:Sample Schedule OverviewAdditional Degree Requirement Information
Aerospace EngineeringPDF Google SheetAERO Undergraduate Program Information
Biomedical EngineeringPDF  Google SheetBME Curriculum
Chemical EngineeringPDF Google SheetChE Degree Requirements
Civil EngineeringPDF Google SheetCEE Undergraduate Requirements
Climate and MeteorologyPDF Google SheetClimate Science Program Guide Meteorology Program Guide
Computer EngineeringPDF Google SheetCE Program Information
Computer SciencePDF Google SheetCS-Eng Program Information
Data SciencePDF Google SheetDS-Eng Program Guide
Electrical EngineeringPDF Google SheetEE Program Guide
Engineering PhysicsPDF Google SheetEP Degree Requirements
Environmental EngineeringPDF Google SheetEnvE Undergraduate Requirements
Industrial and Operations EngineeringPDF Google SheetIOE Undergraduate Program Information
Materials Science EngineeringPDF Google SheetMSE Degree Requirements
Mechanical EngineeringPDF Google SheetME Degree Requirements
Naval Architecture & Marine EngineeringPDF Google SheetNAME Degree Requirements
Nuclear Engineering and Radiological SciencesPDF Google SheetNERS Degree Requirements
RoboticsPDF Google Sheet *Please note: there are additional sample schedules on the Robotics Program Guide.Robotics Undergraduate Program Guide
Space Sciences & EngineeringPDF Google Sheet Space Sciences and Engineering Program Guide